Home News and Reviews How To Choose Winter Tires For Your Truck!

How To Choose Winter Tires For Your Truck!

by pps-DUEditor

Freezing temperatures coupled with precipitation can create some of the most hazardous driving conditions, irrespective of which vehicle you drive. So right before the first snowfalls, responsible drivers everywhere look to outfit their trucks and cars with appropriate winter tires. But how do you know what’s right for your automobile? Consider your vehicle type, driving habits and these tips to help you find the balance between what you need and how much you are willing to pay for them before you buy the next set.

Avoid A Mix And Match Set

In order to avoid extra stress to your vehicle’s differential, install four identical tires from the same brand. Different brands of the same truck can affect your driving, lead to poor handling, and cause early wear. 

Size Them Right 

Winter or summer – your tires must be the same size. The sidewall of every tire should have a code. This will tell you the width of the tread, the ratio between the top of the tire and width of the tread and the interior diameter of the tire, in inches.

Spend Some Time Looking 

While knowing the theory is essential when it comes to tires, heading to the store and visually comparing tires across quality, grooves, flexibility, and lateral stiffness is crucial. Larger grooves will give you better traction on snowy roads and help displace snow and slush better. 

Think About Your Driving Needs

City roads, side roads or highways; thinking about where you spend most of your time driving can make all the difference to the kind of winter tires you choose. City drivers can make do with a more reasonable price-quality ratio, but if you’re out on the open roads for a fair amount of time, investing in high-grade tires will reduce your chances of an accident significantly.

Pick Either Snow Tires Or Ice Tires

Ice tires are usually recommended if you drive on highways and dry roads. But, if you mainly drive around town, pick tires with better traction to help you make it through snowbanks.

Know What Questions To Ask

A great sales professional will explain the different types of treads and their pros and cons. They may even ask if you want reinforced tires for better control when turning. An added advantage of going to a pro is that they will help you sift through and find the right set of winter tires for you by accounting for your normal use, where you live, annual mileage, and your budget. 

Work On Your Braking And Handling

One of the biggest reasons you need winter tires is to help you with better handling and braking. When the temperature goes below 7°C, regular tires have too much traction loss and inflexibility to guarantee your safety. High-quality tires will help you break more reliably and handle better when turning.

Shop Around For Offers

While most stores will usually offer you the best deal of the day, insist on getting several suggestions. This way, you’ll be able to choose from among several models with different prices and features for your specific needs.

Stick To Your Budget

Finding a tire that will fit your budget means you make an effort to visit different stores, compare prices, search online and keep an eye out for deals, promotions and financing plans in your area. 

Even after all of these tips, remember that the most expensive or specialized tires also have their pros and cons but pick and install your tires early and you’ll be sure to get the best deal.

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